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Understanding the Cloud: What is the Cloud and Cloud Computing?

Katie Spain
2 min read
Nov 5, 2021 12:00:00 AM

The Cloud: The first article in a series from Locknet® Managed IT

What is the cloud? And, what is cloud computing? Maybe you fully understand these concepts. But if you're like most people, you might have a vague concept of what they mean, or perhaps you have no idea and trust your IT department to handle it. Have no fear, the experts at Locknet® Managed IT are here to demystify the cloud and explain how this tech tool is becoming invaluable for many businesses.

At Locknet, we know most people have a lot of questions about the cloud, the benefits of the cloud, and whether the cloud is right for them. That's why we're providing a four-part series on this topic over the coming weeks, right here on this website. This week we're starting from the very beginning, by answering a common question: what is the cloud?

Defining the cloud and cloud computing

Think of the cloud as a virtual storage system for data, one which you can access from anywhere, as long as you are connected to the internet. Cloud computing is a phrase often used interchangeably with the cloud—referring to applications, data storage, and computer power. This infrastructure is used by many individuals and businesses to store data that can be accessed by authorized users. The cloud is regularly utilized by companies and organizations of all sizes: from small to enterprise-sized and even large organizations, including those in health care, banking, education, and much more. For small to mid-sized businesses, it may be surprising to know that cloud computing is up to 40 times more cost-effective than an in-house IT system (Source: elearninginfographics.com).

When the cloud was born in the early 2000s, it was a welcome expansion in the digital space for early adopters. Until then, companies managed their own storage or rented it elsewhere. System maintenance and the expense of connecting to storage through leased lines caused massive financial and productivity headaches. Today, companies are able to offload this burden by embracing the cloud and allowing third-party providers to handle the headaches.

These days, being able to access data from wherever you work—on multiple devices—has become an essential part of the remote worker reality. The cloud delivers the flexibility modern companies and workers need, and more. Companies are increasingly seeing many benefits from cloud computing, including improved IT services, cost savings, expanded capability, and ease of authorized access. And if you have questions about the security of the cloud, you're not alone. Stay tuned: we'll tackle that topic in week three of our series. Hint: partnering with the right network security experts is key.

Are you ready to jump to the cloud?

By now you have at least a beginning understanding of the cloud and some of the potential it has for businesses of all sizes. Best of all, moving your business's data from on-premises to the cloud isn't as daunting as it sounds. At Locknet, we're committed to making it easier for you to reach these new heights. So, if you're ready to embrace cloud computing and move your data to the cloud, we'll help you get there. The sky's the limit. Contact us today to learn how we can put the cloud within reach for you and your organization.

Coming up next: How Do You Move to the Cloud?


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