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Vulnerability Management Tools: Proactively Identifying Vulnerability and Security Risks

Locknet Managed IT
1 min read
Nov 12, 2019 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT

How a vulnerability management program can provide IT security

Vulnerability management tools are an essential component of your commitment to proactively identifying vulnerability and security risks for your business, so having a vulnerability management program is vital.

But what is vulnerability management? And, how can it provide a higher level of IT security for you and your business interests? Let’s take a closer look.

Understanding vulnerability management

Vulnerability management incorporates a regular regimen of ferreting out, organizing, and addressing software vulnerabilities that could otherwise put your network security at risk. Through a vulnerability management process, you can single out vulnerabilities and assess the risks of each, then mitigate those risks systematically. It is a vital part of maintaining computer and network security.

Vulnerability management provides a continuous risk overview with four high-level oversight processes, including:

  1. Discovery
  2. Reporting
  3. Prioritization
  4. Response

For banks and credit unions, having a full-scale vulnerability management program in place is required by examiners. For other regulated and non-regulated businesses, having vulnerability management tools in place is a critical step toward protecting the safety and security of your business.

Finding the right vulnerability management tools

To find the right vulnerability management solutions, businesses often partner with experts, like those at Locknet® Managed IT to ensure an optimal level of vulnerability management for their IT infrastructure. Locknet provides a suite of products and consulting services aimed at providing a proactive, ongoing process for everything from screening to tracking, analyzing, and reporting on vulnerability and security risks. With managed security features on the leading edge of industry offerings, Locknet can deliver the highest level of vulnerability management for your organization.

To learn more about vulnerability management tools and programs, as well as other security products such as SIEM, managed firewall, encryption, systems monitoring, or advanced email protection,  contact the experts at Locknet® Managed IT.


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