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Ransomware: 8 Facts You Need to Know

Jeff Kocha
2 min read
Sep 7, 2021 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT

Hint: Ransomware protection is essential to defending yourself against cybercrime

Ransomware remains a constant, pressing risk for all businesses and individuals. In recent years we've seen those risks increase exponentially, with no sign of abating anytime soon. From cybercriminals acting on behalf of nation-states, to individuals working to capture unsuspecting victims with their guard down, ransomware is one of the biggest risks businesses, utilities and other organizations face today.

Ransomware protection is key. And that protection starts with knowledge. So, here's a look at the nine things you need to know now about ransomware.

8 facts about ransomware in 2021

  1. Ransomware attacks are up nearly 150%. With the global pandemic continuing to wreak havoc on office life, more people are working remotely and working from home than ever before. And cybercriminals know that can lead to vulnerabilities. They're incredibly opportunistic, and have leveraged our changing way of life to their advantage.
  2. Cybercriminals are shifting their focus to industries that have been especially taxed by the stresses of the pandemic. That includes organizations such as those in health care, infrastructure and education.
  3. Ransomware payouts are increasing. This year, an insurance company set a new world record by paying a ransom of $40 million. In addition, average payments were $200,000 as of last year, and in the third quarter, ransom was over $233,000. That's up from an average of just $5,000 three years ago.
  4. Globally, more than 60% of organizations experienced a ransomware attack last year that was damaging to the company in some way.
  5. Cyberattackers have their sights set primarily on Windows. 85% of attacks target Windows operating systems.
  6. Over 80% of ransomware security issues are related to phishing attacks. Security training can help your staff become savvy to these types of attacks and decrease the likelihood of their success. If you don't currently provide security training to your staff, the experts at Locknet® Managed IT can help develop a strategy and customized security training program for your business or organization.
  7. Small businesses are not immune from ransomware attacks. This is a common misconception—and one that could put a small business at risk for attack. Hackers know while the payout may not be as big, chances are small businesses aren't as knowledgeable about cybersecurity and likely don't have the IT and network security protection of larger organizations, making them easier prey. The result: 40% of small businesses were affected by a ransomware incident in 2020.
  8. Hackers are attacking more often than ever before, more than twice per minute. That totals more than 2,200 times every day.

Ransomware protection starts with a trusted network security partner

With ransomware attacks at an all-time high, and hackers increasingly sophisticated in their attempts to gain access to the networks of all organizations, having the right team on your side is paramount. At Locknet® Managed IT, we know you need the best tools and training to protect your network from the risk of a ransomware attack. Call us to learn more about how we can help you stay a step ahead of the hackers.


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