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How Remote Monitoring and Management Benefits Your Business

Locknet Managed IT
1 min read
Jun 21, 2022 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT

What is Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM)?

RMM is the proactive, remote tracking of network management and computer health. When problems with the network or specific devices are detected, they are reported back to the managed service provider (MSP), allowing technical experts to fix problems remotely before they become a disruption to your business. Remote monitoring of devices in real-time allows for instant reporting of issues and potential problems.

RMMs monitor a network’s entire remote system. This helps MSPs maintain all of the devices used within a business’s system regardless of whether they are in the office or at home. RMMs can collect and organize usage data, generate reports for MSPs, and automate any system maintenance. 

How does RMM benefit your business?

The best way to solve a technical issue while incurring the least expense is to prevent it from happening. RMM provides a more proactive approach to network management, cost savings, and improved tracking and reporting. This is especially important now with your business’s network extending to a virtual workforce as well.

Proactive device and network management

  • Issues are detected before they become major problems
  • Maintenance is automated and done proactively providing optimal network stability
  • Ongoing information is gathered about software, hardware, and networks

Cost savings

  • Less investment in your own IT staff
  • Fixed monthly rate for device and network management means no surprises
  • Reduced site visits and the associated costs
  • Extended device life with improved performance and scheduled maintenance

Reporting improvement

  • Activity reports and data
  • Alerts and tickets are created when problems arise
  • Tracking of device and network health

Is RMM right for your business?

No matter the size of your business, cybersecurity threats abound. Ensuring a secure network both within and beyond your office walls requires a robust approach and constant attention. It’s time to give serious consideration to remote monitoring and management for your business. Contact us today to learn more about RMM and how it can work for your organization.

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