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Hafnium Hackers Blamed for Microsoft Cyber Attack

Kris Kilgard
2 min read
Mar 11, 2021 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT


Was your MSP ready and there for you?

Experts say Hafnium hacker group, backed by the Chinese government, is responsible for the recent, massive Microsoft cyberattack that has put businesses around the globe at risk. The attack targeted Microsoft's business email software, Microsoft Exchange, and has quickly grown into a global cybersecurity crisis as companies scramble to secure their networks. Already, victims number in the tens of thousands, including small and medium-sized businesses, financial institutions, hotels, restaurants, residential electricity providers and others, making them vulnerable to installation of malware, exposing company data to cybercriminals, and posing other threats. Getting your system patched quickly is essential to protecting your business. Which begs the question: in the midst of all of this, where was your Managed Service Provider (MSP)? Did they have your back? Patching was the easy part. Was your MSP able to validate if Hafnium had access to your Exchange Server?

The importance of having a top MSP is key in the event of
cyber attack

By the time your network vulnerabilities are exploited by a hacker or other cybercriminal like those at Hafnium, it's usually too late to discover your Managed Service Provider isn't there for you. And in the event of a hack, like the Microsoft Exchange compromise, you need an expert team that is ready to react swiftly. That's because the attack could not have been prevented on your end—hackers identified a flaw in the Microsoft code and knew to exploit Microsoft's vulnerabilities to infect users on a massive scale. And because so many companies depend upon Microsoft Exchange for their company's communications, hackers have been able to quickly find unsuspecting victims around the world. In fact, hackers seem to have been able to automate their process, meaning if your company is running a Microsoft Exchange server, there is a good probability you could be among the victims.

How nimble is your MSP, and were they prepared to respond to this threat? More, is your Managed Service Provider an MSSP—Managed Security Service Provider? Not every MSP is an MSSP and in critical times like these, you need a partner with both capabilities. Business these days barely runs without email, so MSPs should know how to keep it running. But only an MSSP will know how to make it work securely, ensuring your email communications and your business are protected.

Many businesses have found out too late that their MSPs couldn't help them navigate this attack and patch their servers quickly to avoid becoming a victim. Others have learned their limited internal resources can be quickly overwhelmed by automated attacks. State-sponsored hackers pose a continuing threat to the global business landscape; they're often sophisticated and able to launch complex attacks. Knowing you have the right IT partner on your side is key, whether they are supporting your existing IT department or supplying all of your IT needs.

Looking for a new partner in IT security?

If the recent Microsoft Exchange server hack has you rethinking your IT security strategy, the experts at Locknet® Managed IT are here to help. Whether you're seeking to augment the capabilities of your busy IT staff, or you're looking for a full-scale Managed Service Provider, we take pride in providing world-class customer service to the clients who entrust us with their network security. And Locknet is both an MSP and MSSP. The Microsoft cyberattack, the threats posed by state-backed hacking groups like Hafnium, and the day-to-day data protection your business needs call for a top network security provider. Contact us to learn more about the service and support our experts deliver to protect your business.

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