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No doubt by now we have all heard that data privacy is important, and we have seen the evidence of why in news of data breaches and identity theft. But the concept still seems nebulous to many of us. After all, day after day we are asked to create passwords for various platforms, give our personal information to businesses, and post regular updates on our status to social media. Anyone who has searched their own name online will find a shocking amount of their personal information is just out there, in cyberspace. If we step back and look at it, privacy—data or no—seems like a thing of the past; something we gave away when we signed up for the latest "free" offering on the internet or bought a house or applied for a credit card. We continue to lock our homes and cars to protect our belongings, and we cover the keypad when we enter our pin number at the checkout. But data privacy? Sometimes it seems that ship has sailed.
Data privacy is all about how we collect, share, and use information. The fact is, there are certain pieces of your data everyone has which simply must be carefully guarded. Your business may even have some of that information from your clients—data which, if it fell into the wrong hands, could result in identity theft, a competitor's gain, or at the very least, embarrassment for your company and damage to its reputation. Protecting that customer information is essential for maintaining the trust of your clients and preserving the interests of the company. And while you may have an entire IT department or Managed Service Provider partner protecting data privacy for the enterprise, data privacy is also a concern at the individual level.
There are several steps you and your colleagues can take toward protecting data privacy, whether at home or at their place of business. These simple steps can help keep data secure and prevent identity theft, a hack into your network, and other cybercrimes.
Working with the tech experts at Locknet® Managed IT can help you and your employees up your savviness when it comes to data privacy. We can develop security training that directly addresses the unique security concerns of your business and clientele. Contact us for more information about how we can help protect your data privacy.
Managed IT
Onalaska, WI Waterloo, IA Wausau, WI Eau Claire, WI Burnsville, MN
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