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In the Age of Coronavirus, Think Computer Virus Protection

Locknet Managed IT
2 min read
Feb 19, 2020 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Cybersecurity


The best antivirus protection for your workplace is education

As the novel coronavirus commands the headlines, it may surprise you that all of us should be thinking about computer virus protection. That's because hackers and other cybercriminals are coming up with creative, sinister ways to capitalize on the public's interest in the topic. They know you're interested in the latest information about the spread of coronavirus, not to mention how to protect yourself, so they're posting and distributing files online about the virus outbreak. Unsuspecting people are downloading and opening the files, only to learn too late that they contain malware and computer viruses. The result: your data, your computer, and the data of your customers could be at risk.

What do these coronavirus-related computer viruses look like?

Cybercriminals are very good at disguising damaging files so that you will download and open them—so it's important to stay up to date on how this threat is emerging. Once someone downloads or opens a file, they can threaten your network security. And experts have noted that some of these viruses are actually able to multiply within a network, infecting multiple computers.

So, what kind of computer virus protection should you have in place, and what's the best antivirus protection?

An emerging, and likely changing, threat

This computer virus threat, like the coronavirus itself, can change course and volatility without warning. It is helpful to know that some file names have been identified for this malicious coronavirus-related computer virus spread. Here are some of the file names that have been identified.

  • VBS.Dinihou.r
  • Python.Agent.c
  • UDS:DangerousObject.Multi.Generic
  • WinLNK.Agent.ew
  • HEUR:Trojan.WinLNK.Agent.gen
  • HEUR:Trojan.PDF.Badur.b

Though it is helpful to know these file names are off-limits, it's essential to recognize that new files will likely be created, particularly as public education about this issue increases.

No masks are required, but diligence is essential

When it comes to the coronavirus computer virus spread, a mask will do you no good, but some due diligence will go a long way. Here are our top tips for protecting yourself from malicious malware and viruses.

  • Only download information from reputable, official online sources. Be sure you are typing the official site into your browser, not clicking on a link (which can easily be disguised to mislead users.)
  • Look carefully at the file names and extensions. If they look strange or aren't the type of file you'd expect for the information you need, don't click or download them.
  • Work with a trusted IT security expert to ensure you have the right muscle on your side to protect your data, your customer's data, and your business.

Wondering about the best antivirus protection for your small business, or medium-sized business? Read on.

Education about computer virus protection is a top priority for any business

Antivirus software and a skilled IT team working for you are of course, vital to protecting the security of your network. But the best antivirus protection for your business always starts with education. The Security Education and Awareness Program from Locknet Managed IT, part of EO Johnson Company, can help you and your staff up your game when it comes to protecting your business information and customer data. To find out how we can help you stay vigilant with everything from security awareness to computer virus protection and beyond, contact us.


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