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Cybersecurity Tips: Top Cyber Threats 2022

Ben Potaracke
2 min read
Jan 3, 2022 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT

And how a cybersecurity consulting partner can help protect you

As we say goodbye to 2021 and face the dawn of 2022, it's important to consider the potential threat landscape, so we can prepare to do the work of protecting our networks. The recently-issued Sophos 2022 Threat Report delves down into the top cyber threats on the horizon, such as ransomware, malware, phishing, and other cyberattacks. As we explore the nature of these potential challenges, it's essential to note that having the right cybersecurity consulting partner or network security provider/MSP on your side will help ensure the continuity of your business even in the midst of an ever-shifting threat landscape. 

2022 cyber threats to watch

Cyberattacks are always evolving, as cybercriminals grow smarter and more sophisticated in their attempts to infiltrate your network, compromise your data, and even make you pay top dollar for your own critical information they are holding hostage. Here is what industry experts are anticipating these evildoers will leverage in the coming year.  

Wider availability of ransomware

In the past, ransomware has been dealt with by a single ransomware source, but these days ransomware developers are leasing the criminal code to their cybercriminal customers. That means the number of threat sources can grow exponentially, as these affiliates and Initial Access Brokers target you and your data. In the industry, this is known as Ransomware-as-a-service, and this code often comes with a guidebook to help criminals carry out their evil deeds.

Increased pressure to pay

Experts predict ransomware attackers will put even more pressure on their victims to pay to regain access to their data. How? Experts say threatening communications, increased use of malware, and an increase in the intensity of attacks are likely in 2022. With vulnerabilities in systems and software identified and announced swiftly, cybercriminals are acting faster than ever to exploit those vulnerabilities and make away with ill-earned profits. Having the right cybersecurity consulting partners in place, like the network security experts at Locknet® Managed IT, is critical to protecting your interests.

Crypto-crime poses a serious risk

Cryptocurrency has led to malicious crypto mining and ransomware, and we expect that trend will likely continue until lawmakers step up regulations on cryptocurrency. While legislation related to crypto exchanges waits in the wings in the U.S. until 2023, bringing an end to cryptocurrency ransom payments will require regulation around the globe.

Artificial Intelligence; real cyber threats

Artificial intelligence is expected to take on an increasing role in security incidents. That means attacks may begin coming from everything from deepfake voice synthesis to fake social media accounts to spoof phishing emails and beyond.

Cybersecurity tips for 2022 and beyond

The best cybersecurity tips for 2022 and beyond include practicing good network security hygiene and training, diligently monitoring your network, and keeping up to date on software vulnerabilities, patching, and updates. As always, having a network security partner or cybersecurity consultant working for you will keep you a step ahead of cyberattackers, even those of artificial intelligence.

To learn more about the many tools and services available through the experts at Locknet Managed IT, contact us. It could make all the difference in your network security.


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