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Cyber Security Trends in 2020 and Beyond

Ben Potaracke
2 min read
Jan 28, 2020 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT


Here's a look at future trends in network security

As leading experts in the industry, we often get first glimpse of what's emerging, including cyber security trends in 2020 and beyond. Wondering how future trends in network security will impact you and your business? Let's take a closer look at what we see coming our way, and how it could affect you and your organization.

The future of cyber security: the good, the bad and the ugly

Every business leader should know that cyber security is a hot topic these days, and though most are getting savvier at protecting their networks, it seems the subject isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. Due to the very nature of cyber security, there are always new security concerns on the horizon, as well as current issues that are evolving. In other words, the bad guys keep getting better too. This requires continued diligence from all of us. Here's what we believe is likely for cyber security trends in 2020.

More ransomware

Experts throughout the industry are anticipating an increase in ransomware attacks. Worse, the threat could continue to extend even more against government services. As attacks get more and more sophisticated, officials remain concerned that eventually ransomware could cause such a disruption that a local government would have to request federal disaster funding. How the federal government would react to such a scenario, and the role of the federal government in addressing local cyberattacks remains to be defined.

Deepfake threats

Deepfakes are manipulated videos or other digital representations produced by sophisticated artificial intelligence that can fabricate images and sounds to appear to be real.  Both audio and video deep fakes will likely continue to increase in number as well as improved quality and automation. These can be used for both social engineering and business fraud, and are predicted to cost organizations of all types millions of dollars as they continue to improve.

Phishing and smishing

Fun to say, but miserable to deal with, phishing and smishing are sure to build in frequency. Phishing is a technique to gather data—often through email, while smishing moves the attack space to SMS text messaging. These attacks tend to follow the news cycle and the biggest story for 2020 will likely be the elections.  We expect attacks will be launched in connection with election-related online groups, for example, soliciting donations for candidates and tricking consumers into handing over their cash.

Cloud security

As organizations place more data in the cloud, cloud security standards will continue to grow to catch up. To ensure security standards are established and upheld, it will be up to companies to drive cloud security demands.

Privacy and individual security concerns

Cybersecurity trends in 2020 will also continue to be a concern at home, as consumers incorporate more smart technology and intelligent consumer devices into their daily lives.

As customers realize the risks to their private data and individual security, companies will need to work harder to provide assurance that personal information is protected.

Continued security awareness focus is key

Cyber threats are always evolving, as technology is ever-changing. Experts agree that continued cyber security awareness is key, as is a robust cyber security awareness training program. No matter what the future trends are in network security, it's clear that security awareness will remain a critically important tool in the fight against cyber criminals.

With this knowledge of the emerging cybersecurity trends in 2020 and beyond, if you are interested in growing your network security awareness program, we can help. Contact us to see how the experts at Locknet Managed IT can ensure your network security is lock-tight.

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