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Business Cybersecurity: Protect Your Company from Holiday Scams

Locknet Managed IT
2 min read
Dec 8, 2021 12:00:00 AM
This post covers:Managed IT

Here's what you need to know

If cybercriminals sent business leaders a holiday card, it might read, "We wish you a merry phish-mas and a hacky new year!" That's because the holidays present unique opportunities for hackers, phishers, and other cybercriminals to deliver bah-humbugs to businesses and consumers alike. So how can business leaders and employees protect their organizations, and avoid the proverbial cybersecurity lump of coal? The experts at Locknet® Managed IT offer these insights on holiday scams and business cybersecurity.

Holiday scams target businesses, too

When it comes to holiday scams, stories about consumers who are unwitting victims are common. Unfortunately, businesses can fall victim to holiday scams as well. From other entities pretending to be your business to disgruntled inside actors who leverage the access they have to your data, businesses of all sizes are at risk. The key is to protect your network so your business isn't easy prey for cybercriminals. Here are some essential ways you can protect your organization.

Enact multifactor authentication

Research shows that consumers feel safer when using a site that requires multifactor authentication, or MFA. But savvy business leaders know MFA should be in place for staff as well as clients. And while you want to keep the login process fast and easy for your users, the knowledge that you are protecting clients will differentiate you in your industry compared to those who don't. The trick is to strike that balance between cybersecurity and user experience, and a qualified network security partner like Locknet® Managed IT can help you do just that.

Protect the enterprise from ransomware attacks

Barely a week goes by anymore without news of a major ransomware attack, and sadly we've had attacks on business networks here in the 7 Rivers Region as well. Cybercriminals know that staff counts are usually down due to the holidays and weekends, rendering your business vulnerable to attack. Having a plan in place and the right tech tools to protect your network is absolutely vital to modern businesses. If you don't currently have a cybersecurity plan in place, one that includes regular training for your staff, working with a trusted IT management expert can make all the difference, as they know how to avoid, recognize and remediate an attack.

Businesses must be cyber-savvy during the holidays and year-round

While the holidays can be a time of joy and celebration, it's as important as ever for businesses to have their guard up when it comes to cybersecurity. If your business has put cybersecurity on the back burner, but you're ready to make it a resolution in 2022, we can help. Contact us to learn more about how Locknet® Managed IT can support your organization's digital wellbeing and protect you from holiday scams and other business cybersecurity needs.


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